If you are looking for a unique present or collector’s item, these 2016 Royal Canadian Mint silver commemorative coins are the ideal purchase. With 12 coins in the series, to recognize each month’s birthstone, they are available to purchase as a set or individually. To understand why these coins are considered so special, make sure to read below!


These coins contain gorgeous design elements on both sides, with Susanna Blunt’s portrait of Queen Elizabeth on the obverse side and Three Degrees Creative Group’s dramatic interplay of traditional and contemporary elements on the reverse. The reverse side is especially exquisite due to its mixture of bold and subtle components whose symbolic depths speak to the rich diversity of Canada.

When looking at the reverse side, the first thing you are likely to notice is the sparkling Swarovski crystal embellishment that accurately represents that month’s birthstone colour. Just below it, in mid-relief, you will find a stunningly detailed dragon.

For those who are unaware, the dragon shares a striking symbolic meaning in Asian mythology. Thought to bring power, strength, and good luck, whoever carries or collects this coin is said to be graced with those attributes, as well.

Finally, almost hidden due to its subtle etchings, is the engraved lotus pattern that fills the background. An updated take on the traditional blooms that represent the purity of heart and mind, the lotus pattern helps meld the classic and the contemporary and bridges the gaps between who we once were and who we are now.


Each coin in the 12-coin series represents a month’s birthstone through a genuine Swarovski crystal embellishment that accurately captures the colours of that month’s gemstone:

Each coin’s design elements are etched in superb detail, allowing it to become a piece of modern art with a lustre that will not be lost to time. Due to the Swarovski crystal embellishment that highlights the colours of that month’s birthstone, these coins make excellent birthday gifts that celebrate the unique person who receives them.

Due to their limited nature, these coins also make a wonderful present to coin collectors or those whose art preferences include Asian mythology. As they can be purchased either individually or as a set, they can also serve as the final piece in someone’s collection.

Each coin is packaged in a Royal Canadian Mint-branded maroon clamshell. This adds a remarkable touch to the coin’s presentation.


Birthstones have a long history, with some historians pointing to the 5th century as their beginning. The connection may have, been based on coincidence, with religious scholars noticing that there were12 months of the year,12 signs of the zodiac, and 12 gems in the Breastplate of Aaron. From there, these scholars associated each gem with a specific month and attributed special benefits for those wearing it during those weeks.

Eventually, the practice of wearing these gems evolved so that instead of changing out their gem each month for the next one, people were expected to wear the gemstone of that represented the month they were born. Finally, in 1912, Sears published the official list of what birthstone represented each month, ending centuries of debate. Below, we have listed the birthstones in order, from January to December, along with their specific meaning:


If you have any questions about these beautifully rendered coins, make sure to reach out to Colonial Acres today. You can also fill out our online form. Finally, you can also stop by our convenient location, but please make sure to check out our closed dates first to prevent any inconveniences.